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Repeating a String

String repeat: String.repeat()

The repeat() method in JavaScript is used to create a new string by repeating the original string a specified number of times.



The parameters

  1. count: The number of times to repeat the original string. Must be a non-negative integer.

Return Value:

The repeat() method returns a new string representing the original string repeated the specified number of times.


// Repeating a string multiple times
const str = 'Hello, ';
const repeatedString = str.repeat(3);
// Output: "Hello, Hello, Hello, "

In the example above, the repeat() method is used to create a new string by repeating the original string โ€˜Hello, โ€™ three times. The resulting string, โ€œHello, Hello, Hello, โ€, is stored in the variable repeatedString.

// Repeating a string zero times
const str = 'Hello Javascript!';
const repeatedString = str.repeat(0);
// Output: ""

In this example, the repeat() method is used to create a new string by repeating the original string โ€˜Hello Javascript!โ€™ zero times. The resulting string is an empty string, "", as the count is zero.

// Repeating a string with a non-integer count
const str = 'repeatString()';
const repeatedString = str.repeat(2.5);
// Output: "repeatString()repeatString()"

In this example, the repeat() method is used with a non-integer count of 2.5. The method automatically converts the count to an integer (2 in this case) and repeats the original string 'repeatString()' accordingly. The resulting string, โ€œrepeatString()repeatString()โ€, is stored in the variable repeatedString.

By using the String.repeat() method, you can easily generate repeated strings, providing a convenient way to handle string repetition in JavaScript.